7 Ways to Maximize Student Engagement
Every teacher wants to kick off the new school year with a bang, but once you have your students’ attention, how do you keep it?
Here 7 Ways to Maximize Student Engagementare a few ideas and best practices from teachers and administrators across the nation that can help maintain that “first day of school” level of engagement all year long.
1. Andrea K. Tolley
Microsoft IT Educator
Greeneville Middle School (TN)
Using technology in the classroom is one of my essential practices for keeping students engaged. Because it provides hands-on experiences, technology helps students become active in the learning process. One of my favorite tools for giving students a stake in their learning is ClassFlow. My students even beg to use it because they love it.
Students engage with the lesson because their voices are heard through contributions they make on their own devices. As a teacher, this eliminates the old pick-and-choose method. Now, every student participates when you ask a question and, as a bonus, you receive data on every student. I found even reluctant learners gain confidence in contributing.
Read the full News Article on Getting Smart.