Promethean explains: Edtech that doesn’t blow the budget 

Published: October 14th, 2022

While schools recognize the value of education technology in the classroom, their budgets are stretched across multiple strategic priorities. As a result, they are increasingly looking to make investments with maximum ROI. Achieving that doesn’t require the most high-tech or expensive solution, but rather one that meets as many staff and student needs as possible. 

Smaller edtech budget 

Those with limited budgets should identify edtech with features that support the teacher in the classroom rather than tools that simply look impressive. A front-of-class display like the ActivPanel engages the whole class with one central tool. It offers greater value by serving multiple uses—from facilitating presentations to encouraging interactivity—on one device. Inbuilt lesson delivery software saves on investing in additional apps and solutions, while streamlining everything a teacher has to use. 

Those that offer a range of features—from timers and annotation, to live quizzes and revealer tools—ensure use in as wide a variety of activities and lesson styles as possible, across different subjects and curricula. The value of a front-of-class display like this can be extended and future-proofed with a longer warranty, making the most of edtech budgets with investments that need fewer upgrades or replacements.  

Hey Merlyn! Meet the digital assistant designed for the classroom.

Flexible edtech budget 

Those with less restrictive budgets may be more susceptible to trying tech fads, but they should focus on choosing tools designed with staff and students in mind. The same principles for maximizing edtech’s value apply. However, a larger budget enables more regular upgrades of your front-of-class tech, with high-spec models that elevate the classroom experience—from more immersive displays to more sophisticated connectivity and touch technology. 

A flexible edtech budget also provides more opportunities for students, so tech use isn’t restricted to the teacher. You can improve student engagement and digital literacy by increasing the devices available to them, with multiple tablets or laptops you can connect to a front-of-class display via device-mirroring. This enables activities like seamless live polling for formative assessment. Similarly, installing multiple screens throughout the classroom ensures students aren’t disadvantaged by where they sit, and educators can change their classroom setup without having to face one display. 

Get practical advice on how to future-proof your edtech investments by downloading our strategic tech spending primer. 
