How are teachers keeping up with classroom technology?

teacher engaging with student

Published: April 22nd, 2021

State of Tech survey blog

Around the globe, the role of technology in education shifted dramatically in 2020. The immediate necessity to move teaching online was a huge learning curve for teachers, students and parents. But as technologies were rolled out, teething problems were addressed and teachers and students found their stride, and the new found tools kept education in motion for the best part of a year

Now that schools are welcoming most students back, the use of technology in classrooms is shifting too. It’s hoped that the skills and tools that were welcomed over the course of the pandemic will continue in the classroom. But with that comes additional pressures on those less digitally-savvy. So, are teachers armed with the resources and support to keep up with this new level of digitization of education? And are schools equipped with the infrastructure?

In this year’s annual survey, we’re asking teachers, senior leaders, IT managers and other school staff how they feel about the return to classrooms, post-pandemic. We want to understand the opportunities new classroom tech is presenting but uncover the challenges, too. 

By gathering insight for our annual report, we can understand how educators feel about the dramatic changes to education since the beginning of 2020, and look ahead to the future.

How has classroom tech changed over time?

According to the State of Technology in Education Report 2020/21, a majority of teachers feel technology is a great way to engage students (49% in 2020), and that it is “best used where it can be appropriately adapted to the learning situation.”

To maximize edtech’s potential, educators are drawing on their extensive experience with the tools that have proved valuable over time, and ensuring any which have supported them in hybrid or blended learning are transferred into the classroom rather than being left behind.

Robotics and coding dropped dramatically as an expected trend over the next ten years, from 49% to 14%. So, it’s clear that while forward thinking technologies are exciting in normal times, the focus has shifted to getting back to basics when delivering the in-classroom experience remotely. 

Have your say

What is your experience of the evolving classroom landscape? Do you believe schools will revert back to old habits and tried-and-tested methods? Or are we on the brink of a digital revolution in the modern classroom? Complete our survey to be a part of our most important State of Technology in Education report to date. 
