The not-so-hidden gems of ActivPanel 9

ActivPanel 9

Published: March 16th, 2023

On a project with as many moving parts as the engineering of our all-new flagship ActivPanel 9, everybody has a feature that becomes especially significant to them.  

These details and enhancements may seem small, but their impact is the opposite. Here are five examples of the not-so-hidden gems our team loves in ActivPanel 9—touches that bring our key design priorities to life. 

Learn what 1,300 teachers told us that they want from edtech. Download Creating Transformation Classroomsour guide to evaluating interactive displays for K-12 education, today. 

5 features that transformed our flagship smart panel

1. The custom menu 

Easy personalization is a central driver of simplicity in the ActivPanel 9 experience. It’s why our custom menu is important to Stephanie Allen, who defined the design principles that shape our signature display. “Teachers can pin their favorite tools and carry those preferences from classroom to classroom just by signing in. You can even choose where on the panel you want your menu to appear.” 

2. The intuitive remote  

At Promethean connectivity means seamlessly connecting panels and devices, yes—but also: strengthening the teacher-student bond. So it’s not surprising that usability expert Anna Hughes identifies our completely redesigned, intuitive remote as a favorite innovation. “It’s freedom for teachers to move around more naturally, making the classroom feel fluid and alive.”

3. Quick-lock capability

The best-in-class, enhanced security of ActivPanel 9 is one of our team’s proudest achievements. As Product Manager Apoorva Lonker puts it, with security “every detail makes a difference. Enabling users to quickly lock a panel—just like that, even for a moment—is a teacher request we were excited to implement with ActivPanel 9.” 

4. The omnidirectional mic  

Our CEO Vin Riera knows that adaptability is something teachers count on us for every day—and that every student deserves the most immersive and inspiring learning experience technology can deliver. That means finding new ways to make hybrid classrooms feel cohesive.

The integrated microphone array of ActivPanel 9 captures classroom voices, making it possible to include remote students in the conversation with a new immediacy.

Vin Riera

5. A fully bonded LCD

Joe Talavier, who led the engineering of ActivPanel 9, envisions an edtech future in which digital tools are “totally dynamic, fully interoperable, and ultimately invisible.” 

We’ve made progress on all fronts: for example, by eliminating screen glare with a touchscreen surface that’s optically bonded to its LCD panel. This makes visuals more immersive than ever—and a writing experience that feels pen-on-paper smooth. It’s edtech that delights by disappearing. 

Take a closer look at the engineering behind all-new ActivPanel 9 when you download