Introducing our new and improved Promethean Web signed-in experience

Published: August 31st, 2022

The new Promethean Web brings our updated brand identity and our improved look and feel to the IT admin and teacher signed-in experiences—formerly known as the myPromethean portal. All functionality and resources remain the same, so there won’t be any disruption to how you usually use this site.

The first thing you might notice is that you’ll be redirected to a new URL— Our goal is to provide users with the most unified, consistent experience possible, so we wanted all of our websites to use the domain.

The new landing page still offers users the opportunity to visit Learn Promethean, the Resource Library, and other pages before signing in.

When you’re ready to sign in to your account, just click on “Sign in” in the upper right-hand corner. You’ll then be taken to the sign-in page.

If you had an account on, you can sign in to Promethean Web using the same method and credentials that you’ve always used.

Once you sign in, if you’re a teacher you’ll see the same resources you’re accustomed to seeing, with the addition of several options that are for those using the ActivPanel 9. If you’re not an ActivPanel 9 user, you can just ignore them.

If you’re an IT administrator, you’ll see that we’ve migrated apps like Panel Management and User Management over to the left-hand menu.

If you’re a part of multiple organizations, you can navigate between them using the drop-down menu next to the sign in up in the right-hand corner. And if you want to see or make changes to your profile or account settings, just click on the circle with your profile pic in it.

You’ll notice that some parts of the new experience are specific to ActivPanel 9. For example, there are some new security features, panel settings, and cloud drive capabilities in the profile settings.

If you’re a user of one of our Elements series panels, you can simply ignore those. If you’re an IT administrator or teacher who will be using both Elements series panels and ActivPanel 9 panels, we hope you enjoy the new functionality!

For questions or additional information, visit Promethean Support.