How much tech training have teachers had this year? 

Published: October 14th, 2022

If teachers are to be in the best position to overcome the challenges of each school year and prepare themselves for the next, a proper commitment to training is essential. 

Since 2020, teacher training has been a key focus of our annual State of Technology in Education Report. We’ve tracked how much priority has been given to training as a whole, as well as the specific areas educators have received training in. Here’s what the latest statistics tell us. 

Has enough time been made for tech training? 

The classroom remains the home of learning, and the training required to improve the learning experience within it is growing. The number of educators who identify training as a funding priority stands at 83% in 2021/22. This majority seems to acknowledge educators’ need to review the purpose and delivery of education in light of a changed landscape. 

However, edtech training dedicated to developing educators’ skills has been in shorter supply. Although in-class technology is the top training priority, it’s still only reported by 25% of educators. Increasing tech training will support a variety of school priorities, including student engagement and teacher productivity. Without making enough time for tech training, teachers are left to find the time to train themselves. 

Are more teachers training themselves? 

Edtech continues to provide vital support for teachers looking to target new student needs and combat the engagement drop, yet only 16% of educators think full training is provided. It leaves 40% believing more can be done, while 10% receive no training at all. This makes it challenging for educators to stay informed without impacting their work/life balance. Dedicating time and funding to training ensures teachers aren’t forced to catch up in their own time, and schools can instead reap the rewards of the modern classroom. 

So how confident do school leaders, IT administrators, and teachers feel about their training? The State of Technology in Education Report 2021/22 breaks down opinions and insight into different training needs, including budgets, so you can shape an effective strategy where training is properly prioritized. 

Find out how teacher training needs to adapt to support educators in the future of education by downloading our predictions report.