5 best social studies apps for interactive whiteboards

Student learning social studies with online apps

Published: December 17th, 2021

Social studies should take students around the world. With the help of interactive displays, now they can!

Interactive whiteboards are one of the best tools teachers can use to engage students. By gamifying lessons and using platforms that students are already familiar with, teachers can help students improve their retention and increase test scores.

These amazing social studies apps for your interactive whiteboards will turn your classroom into the best part of your student’s day. They’ll be excited to learn about new places around the world, engage with culture, and study with their friends. 

Find out how these social studies apps can help your students get an educational advantage today.

Why you need an interactive whiteboard in your social studies class

Social studies apps that can be used on an interactive whiteboard help sharpen study skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and more.

They’ll not only make your life easier because you will spend less time preparing lessons, but it also provides your students with the tools needed to succeed academically. There’s no reason why any social study teacher shouldn’t be using one of these five social study apps today!

1. Art-droid

When studying art, many teachers rely on grainy images or faulty Google searches.

A smarter way to teach your class about famous artwork is with Art-droid. This free social studies app allows teachers access to the largest collection of online art there is. You’ll be able to view curations from different genres and time periods. 

Even adults love this app for viewing their favorite artists, from Rubens to Degas! It is definitely the best free app for viewing famous artwork so students can get a little closer to a museum-quality experience.

2. Google arts & culture

To get even closer to a museum-quality experience, try Google Arts & Culture. This is one of the most advanced social studies apps you can find for an interactive whiteboard.

Google Arts & Culture combines your curriculum of art, culture, and history, and distills it into one app. 

The best features are the virtual reality tours of world-class museums, the art projector to see the real size of paintings, and the ability to explore by period or color of the painting.

Students will learn about more than just famous paintings. They’ll also uncover cultural pastimes, unique aspects of other nations, and be transported to world-famous sites.

3. Google expeditions

Google Expeditions is a part of the Google Arts & Cultures experience, but it acts as a stand-alone app.

Pair it with the Arts & Culture app to transport students around the globe, allowing them to visit monuments they’d never otherwise experience.

Pick a subject and find a collection of virtual field trips designed with your curriculum in mind! 

You’ll love the Seven Wonders of the World trip, where your students can take a 360-degree tour of the Taj Mahal.

4. Radiooooo

Music is an amazing way to travel through time and culture. But many classrooms skip these auditory tools in favor of traditional textbooks.

Improve your students’ retention of culture with the help of Radiooooo. This unique social studies app is a time machine through the international hits of the past.

Use these sounds as a backdrop for a lesson. Have students study the different sounds of nations and relate them to the local culture. Or, set the stage for a virtual field trip with another social studies app on your virtual whiteboard.

The possibilities are endless!

5. World geography – quiz game 

Test your students’ knowledge with this incredibly fun quiz game! World Geography is a free interactive whiteboard app that lets your class compete to see who knows the most about geography.

Unlike some apps that focus on only one country, or are limited to certain states, this worldwide quiz will ensure your students know more than just American geography.

As a bonus, the quiz doesn’t just test a person’s knowledge; it also helps them learn more. Every answer is given before the end of the quiz, so students can learn as they go. This makes World Geography an app that you can use again and again until your classes are geography experts. 

With over 6,000 questions and four levels of difficulty, you’ll be playing this game all year long.

Summary of the best social studies apps for interactive whiteboards

Today’s students are used to interactive technology, but many of their teachers are not. This creates a gap in learning that can be difficult to bridge.

The classroom is changing and the old ways of teaching are no longer the most effective way to touch this generation of learners. Instead, we need to embrace new technologies like interactive whiteboards and educational apps.

With Promethean interactive displays, you can play your favorite social studies apps on the wall or even stream live video from your computer onto the screen. It works with both Apple & Android tablets, so there’s no need to buy multiple devices or pay extra licensing fees for each device type. No matter what kind of tablet you use at home, you’ll be able to connect it easily without sacrificing picture quality.

Ready to transform your classroom into an immersive learning experience and implement the classroom games mentioned above? Talk to a Promethean expert and get your free demo of the ActivPanel interactive display today!