Le-Petit-Prince School opens collaborative learning center

Published: December 12th, 2012

Toronto, Canada (December 12, 2012) – Promethean, global education company, joined Le-Petit-Prince French Catholic School in unveiling a new collaborative learning center, complete with the first ActivTable to be installed in a school within the Greater Toronto area and one of the first in Canada.

Students at Le Petit Prince will use the latest in interactive education tools, the ActivTable, a giant touch-screen interactive learning table, to collaborate on projects and engage in activities that support reading, math, history, science, storytelling and even virtual musical instruments. It is a new addition to the school’s classrooms, which also feature interactive whiteboards with projectors (ActivBoard), hand-held learner response systems (ActivExpression and ActiVote), and other supporting technology products.

“Anything we can do to help teachers deliver engaging lessons and make standard curriculum exciting will boost collaboration amongst the students. We believe a more integrated use of classroom technology will positively impact student learning and will help prepare our students for the next steps in life,” said Le-Petit-Prince French Catholic School Principal Nicole Mollot.

The ActivTable advances Promethean’s commitment to help schools around the world build more collaborative learning centers and boost the level of learning productivity in classrooms. It is a full 46-inch LCD HD display and works like an oversized tablet, allowing up to six students to simultaneously work together on a single screen.

With over 70 learning activities, a variety of tool libraries and web browser functionalities, teachers can create digital project-based learning projects for small groups or practice sessions to help students hone skills tied to a core subject, such as math, reading or social studies. A unique tracking interface monitors user involvement and engagement, giving the teacher insight on student participation.

“Students are surrounded by technology. By creating a learning environment that mirrors the way so many of today’s students live, we can help ensure they are equipped with the skills needed to succeed throughout their lives,” said Promethean North American President Rob Goldberg. “When teachers intentionally and appropriately use interactive technology as effective tools to support learning, they can customize lessons to meet unique the needs of students.”

A recent observational study about the impact of a multi-touch table was presented at NAEYC’s 2012 Annual Conference. It found that over 75% of the interactions (physical and verbal) were cooperative and collaborative (McManis & Gunnewig 2012) when students played games specifically designed to promote social competence.

Using the ActivTable, Le-Petit-Prince educators will be able to create this type of collaborative learning classroom where teamwork and student-led experiences help students enhance and strengthen essential 21st Century skills, such as collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and creativity.

To learn more, please visit www.PrometheanWorld.com.

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About Promethean

Promethean. Spark Inspiration.

Promethean (LSE: PRW) is a global education company. We create, develop, supply and support interactive education and training solutions for schools, businesses and governments. Our products and services are raising learning standards, revolutionizing the way people learn and collaborate, making them more engaged, empowered and successful and thereby unleashing human potential. Headquartered in the UK, Promethean World Plc is listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. More information about Promethean is available at: www.PrometheanWorld.com

Press Inquiries:

Jodie Pozo-Olano


Tel: 1 678-762-4568

Mobile: 1 540-270-7819

Email: jodie.pozo-olano@prometheanworld.com

Twitter: Jpozoolano