Educators are invited to participate in a free, fun-filled day of virtual professional development
Promethean is hosting its annual Camp Promethean, a virtual professional development day. This year the fun-filled day offering a wide range of virtual educational courses is scheduled for Friday, July 17, 2020, starting at 9:00 am EDT through 7:00 pm EDT. The day of professional development is designed to help educators best utilize Promethean tools in relevant, cutting-edge ways.
With over 45+ topics to choose from, Camp Promethean offers training and resources for everyone to customize their day of professional development.
Session highlights include:
STEM: Harness the wonder of stargazing and learn how Promethean solutions can help make STEM content out of this world!
Integrating Google: New friendships are exciting! Come learn how Google and Promethean can play together within the classroom. This session will focus on the ActivPanel Elements Series and is suitable for beginner and intermediate users.
Remote Learning: This spring, many campers and camp counselors alike found themselves in uncharted territory: remote learning. Earn a nature badge by learning how to integrate Promethean tools into a classroom ecosystem and support students from afar.
In addition to these sessions, the Promethean team of Education Consultants will cover tips and tricks for ActivInspire, ClassFlow, ActivPanel, and more. All sessions are free and participants may attend as many sessions as they like. Participants will receive a Camp Promethean digital badge and a 1-hour certificate of attendance for each session.
Register now to save a spot at Camp Promethean.