What is remote learning?

Remote learning set up with a laptop

Published: February 14th, 2022

Remote learning is what you get when the student and the teacher are in different places to deliver and receive a lesson. The most common form of remote learning is online, but it can also be done over the telephone or even video conference.

In recent years, advances in technology have made it possible for teachers and learners alike to interact more easily than ever before. This has led many schools and universities worldwide to offer options for remote learning.

Let’s examine what remote learning is, how it works, and how it can benefit students.

What is remote learning?

Remote learning is a type of education that is often delivered through electronic media. This can include streaming video, live television, television programming on DVD or via the internet, and other much more sophisticated technologies that are just now emerging.

With remote learning, there is a physical separation between the teacher and the student(s). It effectively connects students and educators around the globe.

This type of learning has often been thought only possible for high school and college students, though it can work with any age group, including young children.

With the proper technologies, remote learning can work for everyone studying every subject.

How does remote learning work?

Remote learning is usually facilitated by technology.

Often, the teacher has control of the systems that enable the dissemination of information. For example, they may host a video platform or video conference call where the students can participate.

In some cases, only the host will have video or audio, while others can type.

All information is delivered via technological mediums. Homework is often submitted digitally or presented orally.

Pros of remote learning

There are plenty of benefits for both students and teachers.

For the student, this type of learning can have many advantages, including:

  • The learner gets individualized instruction from a teacher who is trained in their area. This can allow for more one-on-one attention than what might be possible at a traditional school.
  • There are many resources to choose from including books, video lectures, webinars, and online courses. The teacher may also use a virtual lab for experiments or demonstrations which can be captured on camera for others to watch later.
  • With the internet available nearly everywhere in the world, students have access to what they need wherever they are. This is especially important when traveling or relocating.

For the teacher, there are many benefits, including:

  • It is easier for teachers to stay connected with students after class or even during their commute. This makes it much more convenient to provide feedback or answer questions which can lead to higher levels of engagement.
  • Because of the connection with students during class, there is also an increased level of student participation. This can lead to higher levels of engagement and progress among students.
  • Remote learning has great potential for teachers who can adapt what they do based on what their students need. It allows them to provide what is best for each student which can lead to more positive outcomes.

Cons of remote learning

Remote learning is not without its drawbacks.

Some are concerned about the loss of personal touch with this type of education, which can put some learners at a disadvantage when transitioning back into traditional schools or universities.

Additionally, scheduling issues might arise if students are not able to connect regularly. This could be an issue with busy working parents or students who may need additional support outside of what is available. It can also be an issue with time zones for international participants.

Another downside is that tests and quizzes might be more difficult because it isn’t always possible to take them in isolation or to ensure that no one is cheating. Students may also struggle to find quiet spaces to conduct these tests.

Finally, some students may not have access to the technology they require to participate in remote learning.

What is the difference between online and remote learning?

Online learning is typically what people think of when they think of remote education. It often takes the form of a Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts video conference in which both parties can type messages back and forth to one another. 

It might also involve sharing documents, files, links, or screenshots between student and teacher.

However, remote learning isn’t just about video calls. It can occur offline, with materials being mailed, or via telephone or text-only interfaces. Remote learning can even include field trips to places like museums.

Both online and remote learning begins with a student and teacher who are able to connect and communicate in some way.

The difference is what medium they choose when doing so.

Typical structure for remote learning

Remote learning can involve many different components, but it usually includes the following:

1) An initial meeting 

This is where students and teachers meet to discuss what the lesson will look like. It might also be what is used to establish what connections or technologies are required.

2) Learning sessions 

This is the core of remote learning. Classes typically revolve around lesson plans and syllabi as seen with in-person schools, either with the student working independently or with the teacher providing one-on-one support.

3) Feedback 

Periodic feedback provides everyone involved an opportunity to reflect on what has been done so far and what might need to be added or changed in the future.

4) Evaluation and assessment 

This typically occurs once a student has completed their work. They might include activities such as quizzes, assignments, projects, tests, and final exams.

How Promethean can benefit remote learning

Promethean’s ActivPanel technology has been designed to help educators overcome the drawbacks commonly associated with remote learning. It facilitates participation, increases student engagement, and enhances the visual experience critical to many learners.

With Promethean’s Distance Learning Bundle you can take remote learning to the next level. Now you can create a remote classroom from anywhere with the interactivity of a Promethean whiteboard.

Simply plug in the provided cable, turn on your video chat of choice, and your students will be transported to the classroom with your interactive panel. 

Learn how Promethean can benefit your remote lessons by booking a FREE demo today!.