Promethean committed to delivering an industry-leading Corporate Social Responsibility programme

Promethean Corporate Social Responsibility

Published: May 24th, 2021

Promethean announced a robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme to further demonstrate its brand mission and values by providing quality education to students, giving back to local communities, creating an equitable work environment, and making a positive environmental impact. Over its more than 20-year history, Promethean has worked hard to be a good corporate citizen and has furthered its commitment by developing the CSR program to address many of the challenges being faced globally. The programme includes four social impact pillars focused on environmental responsibility, diversity and inclusion, quality education, and community action:

Environmental Responsibility

Promethean is reducing its carbon footprint and helping to protect the planet from the dangers of climate change. As part of its multi-pronged approach, the company has:

  • Achieved carbon neutrality in 2019 through offset purchases and committed to reducing its carbon footprint going forward
  • Participated in an offset project in Tamil Nadu, India, aiming to reduce local GHG emissions by replacing fossil fuel energy with renewable wind energy
  • Improved its outbound transportation model to reduce emissions by 30%
  • Reduced packaging to increase transportation efficiency by 20%
  • Implemented WEEE recycling programs in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and United States

Diversity and Inclusion

Promethean is creating a diverse and inclusive culture, where all employees feel welcome and are valued for their perspectives. To support an equitable, inclusive, and diverse environment globally, the company has:

  • Created four regional Employee Inclusion Groups to represent the voices of employees
  • Adjusted recruitment strategies to attract and hire the most diverse talent
  • Conducted company-wide audits and functional reviews to ensure equal pay for all employees
  • Reached 100% supplier compliance with conflict materials, child labour, and anti-slavery policies

Quality Education

Over its more than 20-year history, Promethean has been dedicated to providing increased access to underserved students, schools, and communities. To further this commitment, Promethean will continue:

  • Making grants of panels, software, and accessories to schools
  • Donating online resources and providing free training to educators

Community Action

Promethean encourages employees to volunteer, donate, and become involved in their communities in a variety of ways, including:

  • Providing employees with two full days of paid time off each year for volunteering
  • Committing to increasing employee participation in volunteer activities by 25%
  • Creating group volunteering activities for employees once work resumes in office

“As a global education technology company, we recognize the need to lead by example and be good corporate citizens,” said Lance Solomon, CPO at Promethean. “We’re committed to impactful corporate social responsibility initiatives that will make a difference and play a part in creating a more sustainable future. Our dedication to our community, our employees, and the planet fuel our desire to do better, and it is our hope that we can make a difference.”

To learn more about Promethean’s Corporate Social Responsibility programme, click here.