Matthew Hunt – empowering BYOD strategies
Matthew Hunt is Project Manager for a pilot technology scheme at St Birinus School, a Language and Technology College in Oxon. Just a few weeks in and ClassFlow is already proving its worth with an existing BYOD policy: “As the networks are set up for teacher wifi, learner wifi and BYOD wifi, we have found it quite easy to introduce ClassFlow in a handful of classrooms as part of the trial.
“Working closely with five teachers, students have downloaded the ClassFlow student app on their own devices which has enabled us to create a connected classroom whereby content can be seamlessly pushed between student and teacher (or rather student devices and the main teacher interactive display). This enhanced classroom experience improves sharing and stimulates discussion.
“Another major benefit which has emerged as part of the pilot is the ability to import existing ActivInspire flipcharts, or indeed content from virtually any other source. It’s a major time saver for preparation whilst also facilitating greater impact in lesson delivery.In the words of one participating teacher: ‘ClassFlow has the greatest potential for enhancing teaching and learning. Excellent design.’”
Colin Taylor – inspired at Bett
Following his visit to Bett earlier this year, where the Beta version of ClassFlow was shown for the first time, Colin Taylor, Head Teacher at Oakmeeds Community College, could immediately see its classroom potential: “We’re making decisions now for what the school’s next steps will be, but having seen ClassFlow – I’m really looking at that.
“I was teaching an IT lesson the other day, with four different tabs open, and I could see really good possibilities of using ClassFlow instead. I could have everything on a card, then open what I needed without switching between programs.
“As an example, a project I’m doing with my year sevens at the moment has seven distinct lessons, and each of those lesson maybe six different documents. Instead of having six or seven different things in different places, I could have it all in ClassFlow, in one place. I could then pick and choose what I want…when I’m ready.”