The Best Interactive Whiteboard Games for Preschool Children

preschool using an interactive whiteboard in the classroom

Published: November 1st, 2023

In today’s digital age, interactive whiteboard games have become an invaluable tool for engaging and educating preschool students. These games offer a unique blend of entertainment and learning, allowing young minds to explore concepts, develop skills, and have fun all at once.

By integrating interactive whiteboard games into preschool curricula, teachers can provide a dynamic and interactive learning experience that fosters creativity, cognitive development, and social skills.

In this guide, we’ll be looking at some of the best interactive whiteboard games for preschool children to help them develop essential skills while keeping them engaged in a range of subjects.

The challenges of teaching preschool children

Although teaching can be incredibly rewarding, maintaining a fun and engaging classroom can be particularly challenging, especially when working with preschoolers. To understand these challenges better, here are some common obstacles that you may encounter:

Limited attention span 

Preschoolers are known for their short attention spans. Focusing on a single activity or topic can be difficult, and they may quickly become disinterested or restless.

Energetic nature

Preschool students are full of energy and love to move around. Sitting still for extended periods can be challenging for them, potentially leading to disruptions and difficulty maintaining a structured learning environment.

Varied learning styles 

Preschoolers have different learning styles and preferences. Some are visual learners, while others are kinesthetic learners who work best through hands-on experiences or auditory cues. Adapting lessons to these different styles can be difficult as every student has different needs.

Language development

Many kids in this age group are still developing their verbal communication and social skills. This can indeed lead to challenges in expressing themselves effectively, which, in turn, can impact their ability to understand and engage with instructions and basic concepts.

Transition difficulties

Transitions between activities or subjects can be challenging for preschoolers. They might struggle to switch their focus, leading to disruptions or resistance to learning a new subject.

By recognising and understanding these challenges, you can develop strategies that incorporate interactive whiteboard games to address these specific issues.

But what educational games are best for interactive lessons?

The best interactive whiteboard games for preschool children

Objective: Develop letter recognition and vocabulary.

ABC Hungry with Cookie Monster is an engaging educational game that invites preschoolers to embark on a letter-filled adventure with the beloved character, Cookie Monster.

How it works:

Preschoolers accompany Cookie Monster in a playful quest to satisfy his letter cravings. The game presents Cookie Monster with various letters of the alphabet and a collection of objects. 

The children’s task is to select and “feed” Cookie Monster the objects that begin with the same letter sound. For instance, if the letter presented is “B,” children might feed Cookie Monster a banana or a ball.

Benefits include:

  • Letter recognition: The game helps children associate letters with their corresponding sounds.
  • Phonics development: By matching objects with the correct letter sounds, children practise their understanding of phonics.
  • Vocabulary enrichment: Feeding Cookie Monster a variety of objects introduces new words to children’s vocabulary.

2. Counting Pizza Party

Objective: Foster counting and numeracy skills.

Counting Pizza Party is a delightful virtual game that invites children to partake in pizza-making while honing their counting skills.

How it works:

In Counting Pizza Party, children become virtual pizza chefs, with the exciting task of adding toppings to pizzas. As they assemble the pizzas, they count each topping they place. This process involves counting individual toppings and offers opportunities for simple addition, as children combine different toppings to create their culinary masterpieces.


  • Strengthen counting skills: Children practise counting by physically adding toppings to pizzas, reinforcing their understanding of numbers.
  • Hands-on learning: The interactive nature of the game provides tactile engagement, enhancing comprehension of mathematical concepts.
  • Visual representation: The visual representation of pizza toppings helps children visualise the quantities they are counting.

3. Topmarks

Objective: Offer a comprehensive collection of educational games and resources.

Topmarks is a versatile online learning platform that provides extensive interactive activities tailored for preschoolers. This website is rich with resources designed to engage young learners while covering various educational domains, including early maths, literacy, science and history.

How it works:

Topmarks features a range of interactive maths games designed to lay the foundation for numeracy skills. These games focus on counting, number recognition, basic arithmetic, and shape understanding.

The platform also offers phonics-based games that aid in letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and reading development. These games contribute to early literacy skills and language acquisition.

In terms of science and history, you can find games that bring basic concepts to your preschoolers attention so they can learn new things and have a better understanding about the world around them.


  • Comprehensive learning: Topmarks covers lots of subjects, providing a holistic educational experience.
  • Skill development: The platform supports the development of foundational skills essential for early childhood education.
  • Exploration and discovery: By offering diverse activities, Topmarks encourages curiosity, exploration, and critical thinking.

4. Teach Your Monster

Objective: Promote early reading and numeracy skills through interactive gameplay.

Teach Your Monster is a comprehensive online learning platform designed to foster early reading and numeracy skills in an engaging and interactive manner. The platform offers a collection of four fun online games, each catering to different aspects of learning.

How it works:

Teach Your Monster to Read 

This game builds early reading skills through a structured approach. It covers phonics, letter recognition, and word decoding, providing children with the foundation they need to become proficient readers.

Teach Your Monster Reading For Fun 

In this game, the emphasis shifts to making reading an enjoyable experience. Children are encouraged to explore a variety of texts and stories, enhancing their reading skills while fostering a love for reading. By engaging with captivating content, kids are motivated to practise their reading skills independently.

Teach Your Monster Number Skills 

This game is designed to enhance numeracy skills. It covers fundamental concepts such as counting, number recognition and basic arithmetic.

Teach Your Monster Adventurous Eating 

This game likely focuses on teaching children about healthy eating habits and nutrition. Through interactive adventures, kids are introduced to the importance of making wholesome food choices. By exploring different scenarios and making decisions related to food, children become more aware of how their choices impact their health.


  • Comprehensive learning: The four games cover both reading and numeracy skills, providing a holistic approach to early education.
  • Skill building: The games target specific skills such as reading, counting, and healthy eating awareness.
  • Enjoyable learning: With a focus on fun and exploration, Teach Your Monster offers an enjoyable way for kids to learn.

Why are interactive whiteboards beneficial for preschool-aged children?

Integrating interactive whiteboards and technology into early childhood education offers a range of benefits that enhance learning experiences for preschool-aged children. Some of these advantages include:


Student engagement is a crucial aspect of modern education, and one way to achieve it is through the integration of interactive elements, animations, and touch interactions. By incorporating these dynamic features into lessons, teachers can effectively capture the attention and excitement of students. Using technology to engage students is a key part of the modern teaching landscape.

Multi-sensory learning 

Through the use of technology, such as interactive whiteboards, the learning experience becomes a mix of visuals, sound, and touch. This combination not only stimulates multiple senses but also facilitates better comprehension and retention of information. Students are able to engage with the content on various levels, catering to different learning styles.

Skill development

Interactive whiteboards are more than just tools for delivering information; they are powerful aids in skill development. These tools provide opportunities for students to hone their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial understanding. As they interact with the whiteboard’s interface, they refine their ability to manipulate digital elements in a precise and controlled manner.

Real-world connection

The bridge between abstract concepts and real-world experiences can often be challenging to construct within the confines of a classroom. However, interactive content serves as a vital connection point. By presenting information in an interactive format, teachers can help students relate theoretical ideas to real-life scenarios.

Introduces the 4 C’s

Interactive smartboard games help develop critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Read our blog to learn more about the 4 C’s of education and how else you can incorporate them into your lessons. 

Considering these benefits, integrating technology into your lesson can be a powerful tool in preschool education. By harnessing this technology, you can make your preschool classroom an enjoyable place to be.

Promethean interactive whiteboards

Technology is a plentiful resource for different learning styles, offering valuable tools to facilitate deeper comprehension of theories and concepts.

Interactive displays, such as the ActivPanel display, prove invaluable in presenting visual representations of subjects such as maths, English and science.

By seamlessly integrating visual, audio, written, and touchscreen elements, these preschool games and activities can really capture your students’ imagination and ignite a love of learning early on into their education.

Want to learn more about each learning style? Check out our specific guides using the links below: 

Explore the Promethean blog for guides on student engagement, including how to monitor student engagement and how to engage shy and quiet students in the classroom.


What skills can preschool children develop through interactive whiteboard games?

Interactive whiteboard games can help preschool children develop cognitive skills like problem-solving and memory, enhance language and literacy abilities and foster early maths skills like counting and basic arithmetic.

These games can also improve fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and nurture social skills through cooperation. It’s important to choose quality games and balance their use with other age-appropriate activities for a well-rounded learning experience.

Can interactive whiteboard games be used for individual or group activities?

Yes, interactive whiteboard games can be used for both individual and group activities. These games are versatile and can accommodate different learning scenarios:

  • Individual activities: This allows students to work at their own pace, receive personalised feedback, and focus on specific learning objectives. It’s a great way to tailor the learning experience to one-on-one sessions.
  • Group activities: Interactive whiteboard games can also be used for collaborative group activities. Students can work together to solve problems, discuss strategies, and share insights. Group activities encourage teamwork, communication, and the exchange of ideas.

How can teachers integrate interactive whiteboard games into their lessons?

Teachers can integrate interactive whiteboards into their lessons by selecting games that align with certain learning objectives. For example, if teaching maths, they can choose a game that reinforces addition skills.

These games can also serve as formative assessments, gauging a student’s understanding. It’s a good idea to balance digital activities and other teaching methods, like hands-on exercises or discussions for a well-rounded lesson.