A little bit about us
St George’s Catholic Primary School is located in Somerset in the South West of England. With over 200 students at our school, we encourage our children to develop in mind, body and spirit. We have made it our mission at St George’s to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to help develop faith amongst the students, whilst acquiring knowledge, attitude and values for life.
At St George’s, we believe that children should be helped to develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual qualities whilst developing a respect for themselves and their achievements.
Why we entered
At St George’s, our ICT provisions are delivered by an external source, who brought to our attention that Promethean were running a school initiative to win an ActivPanel through a creative video competition.
Regularly producing video with digital leaders in each year group to create stop frame animations and help students think about important concepts, we decided to enter in an attempt to win new technology for our school. The Promethean Grant was not only an opportunity to help familiarise children with technology, but also a way for them to create imaginative video content and learn how to edit.
Our Year 5 digital leaders came up with the idea themselves and worked on the video for an entire term to get it perfect! We were incredibly pleased when we found out we had won.
What winning means to us
We have interactive whiteboards throughout our school and the Promethean Grant was an opportunity for us to upgrade some of the technology to better enhance our provisions for the students at St George’s. We have placed the interactive display in our school hall to ensure that all members of the school have access to the technology. We are currently making the move to G-Suite for Education which will integrate all our learning facilities. This move, as well as the new ActivPanel, is encouraging a more interactive and collaborative learning environment for both students and teachers.
Throughout the school we have iPads which we use for a range of different activities such as creating videos, sharing ideas and using learning apps. We regularly use iPads to create the stop-frame animation videos, filming and editing all content. Our most recent project was creating videos that highlighted e-safety concepts and taught other students how to remain safe when online. As technology is an essential part of modern life and is ever more so becoming part of the curriculum and a necessity for completing tasks, ensuring children are aware of the risks online is of vital importance to us. The children were able to cast their videos from the iPads to the class using the ActivPanel and could share feedback, make changes and peer assess work. When the videos were complete the students were able to display their videos on the ActivPanel in assembly to a school-wide audience.
The Promethean Grant was an opportunity for us to see the potential that technology can have on the learning environment and we hope that as a school the ActivPanel will help us to create an interactive and immersive learning environment for all our students.
Veronica Price, HLTA and IT Technician, St George’s Catholic Primary School.
To learn more about the ActivPanel Elements Series, book an online 30 minute demonstration now.