The State of Technology in Education – the big debate
The importance of education technology has truly come to the fore this year, with schools across the country using edtech solutions to support students during the temporary shift to distance learning. Now, more than ever, education technology is under the spotlight, and it’s important that we share our knowledge and experience in order to make the most of both new and existing resources.
To tackle the topic, we assembled a group of experts for a roundtable discussion hosted by Education Futurist, Tony Ryan. If you didn’t have the chance to attend the roundtable, or you’d like to revisit it, you can find a recording here:
We’ve also prepared a quick summary of the main takeaways in this blog post…
Edtech has an important role to play – but not a simple one
Our panellists agreed that technology undoubtedly has a role to play in education, both in the classroom and in supporting wider school processes. However, schools should ensure that where they are applying technology, it must fit with the overall strategy and be suitable for their specific requirements. Not all solutions will suit every teacher, or even every school, and efforts should be made to find what works for each situation.
Effective training and support for teachers is vital
With more edtech solutions available than ever before, such as the Promethean ActivPanel interactive display, teachers can’t be expected to have an intuitive understanding of everything they come into contact with. It is crucial that school leaders ensure that their staff have access to effective training and support when it comes to edtech, so that they have the chance to build up skills and confidence with their classroom solutions. What’s more, it’s important that this training is backed up by a positive culture that makes teachers feel good about trying new things with technology.
Edtech investments must be made wisely
It’s no secret that many schools are working on a tight budget, and school leaders should ensure that they are making the most of existing edtech resources. Where technology investments are required, they should be made in a careful and considered manner that weighs up short and long-term requirements. It’s best to invest in quality solutions which will stand the test of time, and school leaders should always make certain that they have a suitable infrastructure in place to support any new purchases.
Don’t forget the interpersonal aspects of education
Technology has helped us to maintain curriculum continuity during the shift to distance learning, but it has truly shone when it has allowed the interpersonal aspects of education to flourish. Where edtech has enabled teachers to stay connected with their students, engagement and positive learning experiences have followed. The passion of Australia’s teachers has been clearer than ever this year, and the personal touches are something to be proud of.
Watch our edtech roundtable by visiting:
There is a growing debate around education technology, and the ideas discussed by our roundtable panelists are just the beginning. We believe that everyone’s opinions are important, which is why this year’s State of Technology in Education survey is now open for responses – giving educators across the country the chance to share their thoughts and opinions on key topics including staff training, budgets and schools’ strategic priorities.
Have your say on edtech in Australia by taking the survey today: