Classroom technology usage: refreshing your edtech roadmap

Published: August 30th, 2021

The Promethean State of Technology in Education Report 2021 recently revealed a host of insights into how schools are using technology, which solutions are currently the most popular, and schools’ top priorities in terms of using technology. But, not all schools are at the same stage in their edtech evolution. Creating an edtech strategy or roadmap is a great way for schools to plan how they can introduce new solutions and where their individual requirements and priorities lie. In this blog, we will suggest a few key considerations for those refreshing their edtech roadmap, with reference to key findings from the State of Technology in Education Report.

Planning for edtech evolution

The State of Technology in Education Report highlighted that there has been a huge focus on cloud-based teaching and learning strategies over the past few years – with these techniques used more widely than ever before

Moreover, schools’ priorities for using technology are currently focused around boosting engagement, enhancing collaboration, maximising online safety and tackling common IT infrastructure issues. With this in mind, here are a few questions you can start with when refreshing an edtech roadmap:

Questions to ask the Senior Management Team (SMT):

  • What type of learning environment would you like to see within our school in five years’ time?
  • What are our school’s main objectives for the academic year?
  • Which technologies do we need to help us make progress towards these objectives?
  • Does our budget match up our requirements, and is there any scope for adjustment?

Questions to ask your IT managers:

  • What classroom technology solutions do you see as important, and what would you like to see within the school in five years’ time?
  • What infrastructural upgrades would we need to support these technologies?
  • Which actions are the most urgent, and does the current roadmap fit within our personnel and financial resource requirements?
  • Do you have any additional concerns or considerations from a cybersecurity and safeguarding perspective?

Questions to ask the teachers:

  • Are there any teaching methods or techniques that you would like to introduce, but don’t have the tools for at the moment?
  • What are your primary and secondary goals for your students over the coming year?
  • How could classroom technology solutions support these goals?
  • What are your most common frustrations and challenges with the technology you currently use?

No two schools are alike, and these questions are just a starting point. Choose the ones that best suit your school’s individual situation and objectives, and set out to gain as much information and insights as you can. It might be that your school isn’t quite as focused on hybrid learning techniques as the majority, or you could be prioritising attendance and attainment over engagement.

No matter your objectives, creating a robust edtech roadmap is a worthwhile task that will help you pave the way. To learn more about edtech usage in schools across Australia, download the Promethean State of Technology in Education Report 2021.